FAQ Q101: What are the transaction identification numbers (ID, reference number, hash)?
Each transaction has 3 different identifiers / identification numbers:
- Transaction ID - this number is assigned by Bitvolo to each new transaction (unique for each transaction). Your customers must use this ID when making a payment, so we can correctly identify the transaction
- Reference number - this number is assigned to each transaction by you. Usually it's the shopping cart ID or other identifier from your system. This must be a unique code for each payment request.
- Hash - transaction hash (called also transaction number, txid) on the blockchain (or tangle). Assigned by the blockchain/tangle when the payment is sent.
Usually each successful transaction will have 3 unique identifiers: transaction ID, reference number and hash. However, if the customer sends an insufficient amount, Bitvolo will ask them for a second payment. Such payment will have the same reference number but different transaction ID and hash (Bitvolo will correctly group and interpret such partial payments).